When it comes to needing a little extra money between pay checks knowing all the payday loan info you can get your hands on will help you make the correct decision. You don't want to be rushed into a decision without all the information. When you don't have all the payday loan info you can get yourself in even more trouble than you were before.
One thing to remember, probably one of the most important things, is how much the payday loan will cost in the long run. You will pay interest for it, so the amount can make all the difference. There are two different types of payday loans. One is from the credit card(s) you may have and are called cash advances. They have high interest rates that are added onto your monthly statement. The next one is more commonly known and is the payday advances.
You usually are able to get up to $500 in about a 24 hour turnaround time. They come with a flat rate that is paid on top of the amount you borrowed and is varied based on how much you get.